Seventh installment. This time I have added a facility for debug :) The task before you is to study the following
eval "10 1 [+] 1 2 [[i] swap dip] swap dip"
11 1 2
That is see the pattern of swap and dip used to get at the nth deep nest. Now try the below.
eval "10 1 [+] 1 2 [[i] ; 1 swap dip] swap dip"
As you can see ; intlabel
acts as a way to check the state of stack at
that point. This also illustrates a kind of macro system called
immediate words or parsing words. We are effectively using the presence
of ‘;’ to intrepret the word after it in a different way. That means
that you can get at the execution word queue before evaluation of
terms. This can in effect allow us modify our abstract syntax tree
before the real execution.
Try this too.
eval "10 1 [+] 1 2 [[i] ; 1 swap dip] ; 2 swap dip"
Now your task is to come up with a sequence of words to evaluate
eval "10 1 [+] 1 2 3 4 5 ??"
11 1 2 3 4 5
Happy hacking :)
Here is the full code so far.
module Main where
import System.Environment
import System.IO
import Data.Char
import Debug.Trace
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
type Word = String
type Env = [(String, [Nest])]
type Stack = [Nest]
initlib = unlines[
"[succ 1 +].",
"[pred 1 -].",
"[even? odd? not].",
"[double dup +].",
"[half dup odd? [succ 2 /] [2 /] if].",
"[if* 2 nwrap [!] swap dip i swap if].",
"[zero? 0 =?].",
"[split1 1 split].",
"[factorial [zero?] [pop 1] [dup pred factorial *] if*].",
"[: dup length swap [nwrap] dip zip [.] map pop]."
readLine :: String -> Nest
readLine input = case parse parseExpr "nest" input of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right q -> q
showStack = unwords . reverse . (map show)
eval :: String -> String
eval str = showStack $ bigStep [] e []
where Nested e = readLine (initlib ++ " " ++ str)
evalFile file = do
str <- readFile file
return $ eval str
main = do
fn <- getArgs
case fn of
[] -> error "Need file.nst to evaluate."
(x:xs) -> do res <- evalFile $ fn !! 0
putStrLn (show res)
parseExpr = do
x <- many parseSingle
return $ Nested x
parseSingle :: Parser Nest
parseSingle = do
x <- (try parseFloat) <|>
(try parseInt) <|>
(try parseNegInt) <|>
(try parseBool) <|>
(try parseString) <|>
(try parseWord) <|>
(try parseNest)
return x
parseNest :: Parser Nest
parseNest = do
char '['
e <- parseExpr
char ']'
return e
parseFloat :: Parser Nest
parseFloat = do
I i <- parseInt
char '.'
I j <- parseInt
res <- return $ (show i) ++ ['.'] ++ (show j)
return $ F (read res)
parseNegInt :: Parser Nest
parseNegInt = do
char '-'
i <- many1 digit
return $ I $ -1 * (read i)
parseInt :: Parser Nest
parseInt = do
i <- many1 digit
return $ I (read i)
parseWord :: Parser Nest
parseWord = do
w <- many1 (noneOf " nrt[]")
return $ W w
parseBool :: Parser Nest
parseBool = do
(x:xs) <- string "true" <|> string "false"
return $ B (read (toUpper x : xs))
parseString :: Parser Nest
parseString = do
char '''
s <- many (noneOf "'")
char '''
return $ S s
<digit> ::= 0..9
<num> ::= <digit>
| <digit><num>
<letter> ::= a..z | + | - | * | / | < | > | = | .
<char> ::= <letter>
| <digit>
<word> ::= <letter>
| <word> <char>
<nest> ::= <num>
| <word>
| [ <nest>* ]
<expr> ::= <nest>*
data Nest = W String
| I Int
| F Float
| B Bool
| S String
| Nested [Nest]
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Nest where
show (W s) = s
show (S s) = (show s)
show (I i) = (show i)
show (F f) = (show f)
show (B b) = (show b)
show (Nested b) = "[" ++ (unwords (map show b)) ++ "]"
bigStep :: Env -> [Nest] -> Stack -> Stack
bigStep _ [] r = r
bigStep env (Nested n: xs) ys = bigStep env xs (Nested n: ys)
bigStep env (I i: xs) ys = bigStep env xs (I i: ys)
bigStep env (F i: xs) ys = bigStep env xs (F i: ys)
bigStep env (B i: xs) ys = bigStep env xs (B i: ys)
bigStep env (S i: xs) ys = bigStep env xs (S i: ys)
bigStep env (W "+": xs) (I i: I j: ys) = bigStep env xs (I (j+i): ys)
bigStep env (W "*": xs) (I i: I j: ys) = bigStep env xs (I (j*i): ys)
bigStep env (W "-": xs) (I i: I j: ys) = bigStep env xs (I (j-i): ys)
bigStep env (W "/": xs) (I i: I j: ys) = bigStep env xs (F ((fromIntegral j)/(fromIntegral i)): ys)
bigStep env (W ">": xs) (I i: I j: ys) = bigStep env xs (B (j > i): ys)
bigStep env (W "<": xs) (I i: I j: ys) = bigStep env xs (B (j < i): ys)
bigStep env (W "=?": xs) (I i: I j: ys) = bigStep env xs (B (j == i): ys)
bigStep env (W "=?": xs) (S i: S j: ys) = bigStep env xs (B (j == i): ys)
bigStep env (W "=?": xs) (B i: B j: ys) = bigStep env xs (B (j == i): ys)
bigStep env (W "=?": xs) (F i: F j: ys) = bigStep env xs (B (j == i): ys)
bigStep env (W "=?": xs) (Nested i: Nested j: ys) = bigStep env xs (B (j == i): ys)
bigStep env (W "odd?": xs) (I i: ys) = bigStep env xs (B (odd i): ys)
bigStep env (W "and": xs) (B a:B b:ys) = bigStep env xs (B (b && a):ys)
bigStep env (W "or": xs) (B a:B b:ys) = bigStep env xs (B (b || a):ys)
bigStep env (W "not": xs) (B a:ys) = bigStep env xs (B (not a):ys)
bigStep env (W "dup": xs) (y:ys) = bigStep env xs (y:y:ys)
bigStep env (W "swap": xs) (y:y':ys) = bigStep env xs (y':y:ys)
bigStep env (W "pop": xs) (y:ys) = bigStep env xs ys
bigStep env (W "cons": xs) (Nested y':y:ys) = bigStep env xs (Nested (y:y'):ys)
bigStep env (W "concat": xs) (Nested y':Nested y:ys) = bigStep env xs (Nested (y ++ y'):ys)
bigStep env (W "empty?": xs) (Nested y:ys) = bigStep env xs (B (length y == 0):ys)
bigStep env (W "reverse": xs) (Nested y:ys) = bigStep env xs (Nested (reverse y): ys)
bigStep env (W "split": xs) (I i:Nested nys:ys) = bigStep env xs (Nested arr1:(Nested arr2): ys)
where (arr2,arr1) = splitAt i nys
bigStep env (W "nwrap": xs) (I i:ys) = bigStep env xs ((Nested lst) : rest)
where lst = take i ys
rest = drop i ys
bigStep env (W "i":xs) (Nested v:ys) = bigStep env (v ++ xs) ys
bigStep env (W "!":xs) ys = bigStep env xs $ (head res):(tail ys)
where res = bigStep env (W "i":xs) ys
bigStep env (W "dip":xs) (y:ys) = bigStep env xs $ y:lst
where lst = bigStep env [W "i"] ys
bigStep env (W "if":xs) (Nested v2:Nested v1:B c:ys) = bigStep env (res ++ xs) ys
where res = if c then v1 else v2
bigStep env (W "length":xs) (Nested v:ys) = bigStep env xs (I (length v) :ys)
bigStep env (W ".":xs) (Nested ((W w):as):ys) = bigStep ((w,as):env) xs ys
bigStep env (W ";":I x:xs) ys = bigStep env xs (trace ("["++(show x) ++"] Stack was: " ++ (showStack ys) ++ "n") ys)
bigStep env (W "{":xs) ys = bigStep (("{",[]):env) xs ys
bigStep env (W "}":xs) ys = bigStep myenv xs ys
where myenv = tail $ dropWhile (/= ("{", [])) env
bigStep env (W "(":xs) ys = bigStep env xs (W "(":ys)
bigStep env (W ")":xs) ys = bigStep env xs (Nested (reverse arr): (tail st))
where (arr,st) = span (/= W "(") ys
bigStep env (W x :xs) ys = bigStep env (def ++ xs) ys
where def = case lookup x env of
Nothing -> error ("Definition not found or is not applicable for word {" ++ x ++ "} with stack " ++ (showStack ys))
Just x -> x